Our Values
We believe that Christ’s love is an example to us of how we should love others. We demonstrate his love to each other, continually caring for His body. “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:35. Love should permeate our culture and compel us to meet the needs of others. Family We believe that the church is a spiritual family of sons and daughters of God made in His image. As a spiritual family we share likeness of faith and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, and in many ways this bond is greater than the bond of our earthly family. Community We want our church to be a place where you can come and feel a sense of community and fun. Where you can find belonging, life, empowerment, opportunities and relationship. A place you will enjoy and desire to return. Teamwork Jesus had a dream team and so do we. Whether it’s our leadership or our Dream Teams here at Dream Center Church bot Team Leadership and Team work is important to our culture and a value that should exist in every program we do. Image of God We are all made in the image of God and therefore of intrinsic value. Even our constitution recognizes this truth stating “…that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights…” Every person, whether homeless, struggling or successful bears his image. It is through this lens that we view each other and the inner city. Humility “He was humble and walked the path of obedience all the way to death--his death on the cross.” Philippians 2:8. Jesus was humble and we should be too. He did nothing out of pride or personal gain. Everything he did and achieved was through love and humility. He said “the greatest among you is your servant” and Martin Luther King Jr. said that means “everyone can be great.” We find our identity in Christ and therefore our greatness through serving others in a culture of humility. We model this through servant leadership. Sincere Christian Living We believe in living our life in sincere Christianity and living up to the example of Jesus Christ. We do this not only through standing for what’s right, but by showing our beliefs through our life and our love for others. We want to be Christians in practicality not just in concept and principle. The Word The Word of God is our foundation for everything we do. We live by it, follow it, and stand on it. It is the Power of God to all who believe. |